Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dreaming big

I don't really have a format for what I type here because I truly try to only put things I feel God has placed on my heart. I have spent hours in front of the computer screen praying God would give me words to help some one to touch someone else.

 That is my dream. To let the light of God shine out, to be a living testimony, to touch someone who hasn't given their heart to Christ, and inspire them to pursue God.  That is my hearts desire.

It hasn't always been. For years I was satisfied attending services sitting in a church pew keeping my mouth shut and just listening but one day he moved me to want to read more of his word, to do more for him, to be more like him. I called myself a christian when I should have just been a believer because a true christian is Christ-Like.  Jesus never set back in a pew and kept quiet.  Even as a boy he spoke up and taught others. Luke 2 tells the story of when he stayed behind at the temple.

I can look back over the past several years and see that he has changed me he has helped teach me to improve who I am.  I can also humble myself like I frequently must and say he isn't finished with me yet.  I have been convicted over a lot of things and cut out a lot of bad behaviors but I am better than I was and God is still working on me. 
The first step is giving your heart to him and truly saying you are willing to lay down yourself and live a life for him.  At first things that you do that aren't right will be hard to let go, but I know for me know when I get convicted over things it is a joy to change them because it means I am closer to the one that died on a cross for me. 
God convicts those he loves, it is correction just as we have to correct our children here on earth if we love them.  I want to be about my father's business just as Jesus was.  As many mistakes as were made from the garden to now God has shown so much mercy to us all.  He gave the Israelites chance after chanceHis chosen people fell short time and time again then he sent his son whom was rejected and died so we may have eternal life.  All we have to do is accept that life but he doesn't force it on us it is a choice we all have to make no one can get salvation for anyone else.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Phillipians 2:12

It is a relationship no one can build for you. It is personal and has to be.  No matter how bad you want to you cannot get your friends or family into heaven, it is a all about the personal choice they make to give Jesus their filthy sinful lives and be reborn into something better something that strives to grow and be more for him.  We can't earn salvation.  It is freely given but when we make that choice it makes a change in us those around us should be able to see.  I know looking back I can defiantly see the changes in myself and I look forward to how God will continue to mold me!

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