Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 KJV
I don't know if I am normal or not but I care a lot about others. Opinions don't really matter that much but when I know someone is in a struggle or battle in their lives-I feel pain. It doesn't have to be me. I could sit here and name of three people that I have sat and cried for and asked God to move for in the past month. I have prayed for more than three and hurt for more than three people but I know for sure that tears have fallen for those.
I have an online friend with her own blog that tells her story. I sat and read about her struggles with cancer and I cried and I cried I bet it was hours. My heart ached for her. She is wonderful and upbeat and amazing and it just isn't fair that she is going through all she is. I never met her in real life-I met her on a pregnancy support website after we had both went through miscarriage. I prayed and cried with her through pregnancies (three successful ones for each of us and several not successful ones for her two for me).
I have a dear friend from church that is so supportive I feel very connected to that just lost her father. I have sat at home and cried for her the past few days. It hurts me to know the pain she is going through.
I don't know if I am normal or not but I try to look at my problems as I could always have it worse. I am blessed I try not to take those blessings for granted but sometimes my kids drive me nuts, I lose my temper and yell, and sometimes I honestly just open my mouth and stupid falls right out. I have so much growing left to do but in the moments I slow down and think of others I feel like I have learned one of the greatest lessons Jesus ever taught:
Matthew 22:36-40New King James Version (NKJV)
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
The most important thing we can do is love. If we choose to love others it is to put them in high esteem to think of them to care for them. I absolutely do this commandment that Jesus laid out for us. I love it isn't quiet the perfect love that placed itself on a cross for my sins but I do love I love enough that I could name 10 people I have cried for since I cried for myself. I learned a lesson at church that it isn't about me. It is about God, it is about what he wants and what he wants is
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 KJV
The third person that I mentioned is facing her greatest trial in life right now and I just keep praying for God to offer her comfort. I have only met her face to face once but we have shared many happy and stressful occasions turning to one another. I went to the alter during church service yesterday crying out to God to comfort her and let her know he hasn't left her. I know her life feels like one of the pages of Job but if she stays strong I know his blessings will pour out on her. I have prayed for God to give me words to help her and I have sat in prayer with tears streaming hurting for her situation. I believe God will move for her. I believe all these verses are going to help her and she will feel God in with her.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. proverbs 3:5 kjv
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds Psalm 147:3kjv
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psal 34:18 NIV
I just want to add. It isn't only sadness I share with others I share their joy. A couple that I go to church with had been praying for a baby for years and when I found out that prayer was answered I screamed "Praise you Jesus" and I was honestly as happy for them as I was when I found out I was having babies. I have felt this joy with multiple people that have struggled with miscarriage or infertility. Any time you go through these things you tend to find out you aren't alone and with me felt a deep sadness with anyone with these struggles yet that same sadness brings so much joy words can't explain when they find out God has a little miracle in store for them even though it was one of those times prayers were not instantly answered. His time is perfect, ours is flawed, he knows more and better than we do. It amazes me sometimes how I feel such strong emotions for others it is like it is happening to me. The pain of others brings me to tears often I try not to question God as to why because I know his plan is better than our plans, I know there are times and seasons for change, I know that God is in control and most of the bad that happens to us isn't to harm us but to teach us to trust in him not ourselves and to listen when he nudges us and teach us to obey him.
I can say I haven't always had a close realationship with God I haven't always turned to him with my troubles but I can honestly say life is more bearable and I feel less weighted down since I do. I guess the reason for this is simple I just have to look into the word to see:
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light Matthew 11:30 KJV
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